354 fans | Vote

#701 : On fait quoi maintenant ?

On fait quoi maintenant HouseA la suite du dernier Season Finale émouvant dans lequel House et Cuddy ont admis qu'ils avaient des sentiments l'un pour l'autre, ils explorent les ramifications de ces sentiments dans ce premier épisode de la saison 7 et tentent de faire en sorte que cette relation fonctionne.
Parallèlement, du fait de la maladie d'un collègue, Princeton Plainsboro n'a plus de neurochirurgien sur site, menaçant l'accréditation de l'hôpital en tant que Centre de Traumatologie de Niveau 1. Tandis que l'équipe tente un traitement pour remettre leur collègue malade sur pieds, ils découvrent que la maladie est peut-être plus complexe qu'ils ne l'auraient pensée initialement. Ils se tournent vers House pour des conseils mais ce dernier reste insaisissable, laissant l'équipe seule.


Réalisateur : Greg Yaitanes

Scénariste : Doris Egan

Acteurs principaux : Hugh Laurie (Dr Gregory House), Lisa Edelstein (Dr Lisa Cuddy), Omar Epps (Dr Eric Foreman), Robert Sean Leonard (Dr James Wilson), Jesse Spencer (Dr Robert Chase), Peter Jacobson (Dr Chris Taub), Olivia Wilde (Dr Remy Hadley, dite "Numéro 13")

Acteurs secondaires : Chris Connor (Alex), Matthew Salinger (Malkin), George Wyner (Richardson)

Le + : Peter Jacobson et Olivia Wilde sont promus au générique des acteurs réguliers dès cet épisode, même si Olivia Wilde reviendra seulement dès l'épisode 18.



4 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Now What?

Titre VF
On fait quoi maintenant ?

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Photos promo

House et Cuddy ensemble.

House et Cuddy ensemble.

Conversation entre House et Wilson.

Conversation entre House et Wilson.

Cuddy et House s'enlaçant.

Cuddy et House s'enlaçant.

Pari entre Foreman, Chase et Taub.

Pari entre Foreman, Chase et Taub.

Chase en pleine explication.

Chase en pleine explication.

Numéro 13 attentive.

Numéro 13 attentive.

L'équipe de House travaillant sur le cas d'un patient.

L'équipe de House travaillant sur le cas d'un patient.

Taub au travail.

Taub au travail.

Hadley avec le dossier du patient.

Hadley avec le dossier du patient.

Tête à tête entre Cuddy et House.

Tête à tête entre Cuddy et House.

House et Wilson en pleine discussion.

House et Wilson en pleine discussion.

Chase dans le bureau de House.

Chase dans le bureau de House.

House dans son appartement.

House dans son appartement.

House énervé sur son canapé.

House énervé sur son canapé.

Discussion entre House et Cuddy.

Discussion entre House et Cuddy.

Un visiteur dans le bureau de House.

Un visiteur dans le bureau de House.

Taub avec le visiteur.

Taub avec le visiteur.

L'équipe de House dans son bureau.

L'équipe de House dans son bureau.

Wilson ausculte House.

Wilson ausculte House.

Foreman avec les résultats du patient.

Foreman avec les résultats du patient.


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mardi 14.02.2012 à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.09.2010 à 21:00

Plus de détails

House et Cuddy sont enfin tombés dans les bras l'un de l'autre et ils font l'amour pour la première fois.

Un peu plus tard, Cuddy reçoit un appel de son nouvel assistant, Alex, sur son portable, mais House intercepte le coup de fil.

Alex informe Cuddy que le neurochirurgien de l'hôpital, le Dr Richardson, est malade et a vomi en pleine salle d'opération. House, désireux de garder Cuddy auprès de lui, ne prend pas l'appel au sérieux et ordonne à Alex de renvoyer le médecin chez lui.

House a oublié de prendre en considération le fait que le Dr Richardson est le seul neurochirurgien de l'hôpital. S'il s'absente, le Princeton-Plainsboro sera forcé de fermer le service des urgences et les soins intensifs.

Quand Cuddy évoque cette possibilité, House se rend compte qu'il a commis une grave erreur, mais refuse de dire la vérité à la directrice de l'hôpital. Il craint en effet que cette bévue ne vienne gâcher l'état de grâce dans lequel lui et Cuddy se complaisent.

House informe alors Chase de la situation du Dr Richardson et lui ordonne de se faire passer pour un neurochirurgien. Mais Alex n'en croit rien et prévient les autorités sanitaires.

House demande alors discrètement à Wilson d'aider son équipe à régler le problème. Incapables de trouver un autre neurochirurgien, les médecins n'ont d'autres choix que d'essayer de guérir le Dr Richardson avant que M. Malkin, des affaires sanitaires, ne fasse fermer les urgences.

Le Dr Richardson va de plus en plus mal, mais 13 finit par comprendre qu'il fait une allergie alimentaire et lui donne l'antidote. L'hôpital peut ainsi éviter de justesse la fermeture.

Parallèlement, Foreman, Chase et Taub découvrent que 13 s'apprête à quitter l'hôpital. La jeune femme refuse d'expliquer son absence soudaine et ses collègues craignent que sa maladie de Huntington ne se soit déclarée.

Quand Foreman apprend que 13 part à Rome, il est convaincu qu'elle s'apprête à participer à un tout nouvel essai clinique dont le but est de soigner sa maladie incurable. 13, elle, continue à rester évasive.

Foreman finit par découvrir qu'elle n'est pas inscrite sur la liste des cobayes et 13 quitte l'hôpital sans plus d'explications.

Wilson, inquiet pour House (suite à la mort de sa patiente en fin de saison 6), tente de s'introduire chez lui pour être sûr qu'il n'a pas repris de Vicodin.

Quand House assure qu'il a passé la journée au lit avec Cuddy, Wilson ne le croit pas. Il est persuadé qu'il hallucine, surtout que Cuddy préfère se cacher dans son placard pour éviter Wilson.

A la fin de la journée, les deux amants décident de tenter d'avoir une vraie relation malgré les obstacles. Et House finit par dire "Je t'aime" à Cuddy.

source : Oops!

J'ai attendu trop longtemps.


S'il vous plaît, faites quelque chose !

Faites quelque chose !


Vous n'auriez pas pu la sauver.



Si vous voulez replonger,

c'est votre choix.


Tu penses que je peux m'améliorer ?


J'ai besoin de savoir

si ça peut marcher entre nous.


Fais-moi voir.


T'inquiète pas.


Ça va s'infecter.


Tu ne vas pas...



Et si.



Non, non !



Ce n'est rien.



Je t'aime.



Et maintenant ?






Tout va bien.



On n'a pas besoin d'en discuter.



Non, littéralement.



Et maintenant ?



On peut petit-déjeuner,

aller faire un bowling.



On peut rester ici.



Je dois rentrer chez moi, m'habiller



et aller au travail.



C'est tout ?



J'espère que ce n'est que le début.



Ton assistant débute.



Il y a 1 chance sur 2 qu'il...



Ne trouve pas l'interrupteur.



Allo ?



Non, c'est la nourrice de Cuddy.



Elle ne se sent pas très bien,



elle ne viendra pas aujourd'hui.



J'espère qu'elle va bien,

pouvez-vous lui demander si...



Non je ne peux pas,

elle s'est enfermée sous la douche.



Et il y a un énorme insecte avec elle,

quel est le problème ?



Je suis désolé de la déranger



c'est le Dr. Richardson.



Il doit être malade lui aussi.



Il a vomi dans un bloc opératoire,

je ne sais pas ce qu'elle voudrait...



Une seconde.



J'ai parlé au Dr. Cuddy,

elle veut que vous fassiez 3 choses :



1. Renvoyez-le chez lui.

2. Stérilisez le bloc.

3. Utilisez votre tête.






C'est à propos de vomi.



Voilà ce qui était si important.



Du vomi.



Je n'ai donc pas à me presser alors.



Mais quel que soit le "maintenant"

qu'on décide d'avoir...

On en discutera après

que tu aies pris un bain.



J'en ai un.


"Homme de 25 ans"

"avec engourdissement,

picotements aux jambes"

"et des difficultés à parler, trois..."


Vous savez où est House ?



Il est 10h du matin

je serais inquiet s'il était là.



"Homme de 25 ans..."

- Il n'allait pas bien hier

après la mort de sa patiente.



House a déjà perdu des patients.



Comme nous tous.



Il est grand.

- Tu ne l'as pas vu.



La meilleure chose à faire,

c'est lui trouver une nouvelle énigme.



Ça nous ramène donc à mon

homme de 25 ans...



Pourtant tu es la seule

à ne pas avoir de cas devant toi.



Je n'ai pas encore trouvé le bon.



Je me demandais si ça avait un rapport

avec ta demande de congés

qui commencerait au milieu d'un cas.



- J'ai rien dit.



C'est vrai, j'ai vu une enveloppe

sur le bureau de House

avec ton nom dessus, donc, naturellement

je l'ai ouverte avec de la vapeur.



- C'est quoi ton problème ?



Si tu as utilisé la vapeur,

c'est pour que ça reste secret.



C'est pour ça que je l'ai déchirée.


Tu vas nous dire où tu vas ?


Ça ressemble à un "non".



Il y a du verre partout.



Tu n'aurais pas pu prendre le miroir

et le poser délicatement ?



J'étais pas dans cet état d'esprit.



Je reviens.



Ne réponds pas.



C'est peut-être important.



Ça aussi c'est important.



Là tout de suite,

on est plus important que l'hôpital.

Je propose donc qu'on coupe

nos téléphones

pour qu'on ait la matinée

rien qu'à nous.



Très bien.

Je vais l'éteindre.






Tu y penses encore.



C'est faux.



- Si, c'est le cas.

Tu as éteint ton téléphone

mais tu te demandes encore

"qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être ?"

"Quelle urgence va couler

tout l'hôpital"

"si je décide de prendre ma matinée ?"



Je suis désolée.

L'État a réduit le budget

du dispensaire.

L'infirmier Jeffrey purge sa 12e

mise à pied

et Richardson menace de partir

parce qu'il a été comme prisonnier

dans l'hôpital

pendant presque une semaine.



Richardson ?



- C'est notre seul neurochirurgien

donc il doit rester de garde

tout le temps sinon l'hôpital

n'aura techniquement plus

d'Unité d'Urgence.



Et alors ?



On devrait fermer les urgences

et transférer tous nos patients

de soins intensifs ailleurs.



D'accord, arrête et tourne-toi.



Pourquoi ?



- Tu dois te détendre.



Où va-t-on ?



Je vais te préparer un bain magique

avec beaucoup de bulles,

d'épices de l'est,

de petites pilules bleues

et de trèfles verts...

Ils ont des pouvoirs régénérateurs

mais j'ai besoin d'être seul pour

concentrer mes énergies créatives.



Allo ?

J'ai une info intéressante.



Saviez-vous que si on n'a aucun

neurochirurgien de garde

tous les loups du monde

viendront dévorer les pauvres enfants ?



Vous avez une lettre de 13.



Comment se fait-il qu'on n'ait pas

au moins 5 neurochirurgiens ?



On en avait 3, Kapur est retraité

et Nichols est parti

pour le mariage de sa fille.



J'ai de bonnes nouvelles.

Les 16 prochaines heures,

vous êtes un neurochirurgien.



Je ne suis pas neurochirurgien.



- Ça ne serait important que

si vous deviez vraiment faire

de la neurochirurgie.



On est à l'hôpital, House.

On a plus de chances

de faire de la neurochirurgie ici

que n'importe où ailleurs.


Si un urgentiste appelle

pour un trauma crânien,

envoyez-le juste vers

l'hôpital le plus proche.



Tout ce que vous devez faire

c'est de garder les urgences ouvertes.



C'est un problème administratif,

pas médical.



Où êtes-vous donc, House ?



Super que vous le fassiez.



Prêt à l'abordage !



Pourquoi vas-tu à Rome ?



J'ai trouvé ton billet dans ton casier.



J'aime comme tout le monde

pense que c'est puéril de ma part

d'espérer une once d'intimité ici.



Ton vol est pour demain.



Qu'y a-t-il de si pressé à Rome ?



Il parait qu'ils veulent détruire

le Colisée

pour construire un bar karaoké.



L'hôpital Buona Speranza de Rome

fait des essais pour le Huntington.



Sérieusement, chanter c'est ma vie.



Je sais qu'ils font des greffes

de tubes médullaires.

Je sais aussi que leurs patients

ont plus de risques

d'hémorragie intracrânienne.



Ce n'est pas le moment

de rejoindre un essai.



00:11:38,541 --> 00:11:40,236

Les recherches commencent dès l'enfance.



00:11:40,361 --> 00:11:41,537

Tout comme ta maladie.



00:11:42,620 --> 00:11:43,665

Tu as lu ma lettre.



00:11:43,974 --> 00:11:45,251

Tu es allé voir mon casier.



00:11:45,635 --> 00:11:47,179

Et tu décides pour finir



00:11:47,304 --> 00:11:48,955

de me faire la morale sur mes choix ?



00:11:49,954 --> 00:11:51,163

Je m'inquiète pour toi.



00:11:51,802 --> 00:11:53,394

Ah, pardon, ça justifie tout !



00:12:07,848 --> 00:12:09,467

Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on est exactement ?



00:12:10,743 --> 00:12:12,717

Ça peut être ouvert, sympathique



00:12:12,842 --> 00:12:13,981

et amusant si tu veux.



00:12:15,063 --> 00:12:15,815

Ouvert ?



00:12:16,910 --> 00:12:18,767

Tu crois que je veux voir

d'autres personnes ?



00:12:19,250 --> 00:12:21,576

La nuit dernière

était difficile pour toi.



00:12:23,195 --> 00:12:25,592

On a tous les deux perdu cette patiente,

on a vu des gens mourir.



00:12:26,459 --> 00:12:28,609

Je suis revenu ici pour la Vicodin



00:12:29,109 --> 00:12:31,027

et tu as largué ton fiancé

puis tu es venue ici.



00:12:31,484 --> 00:12:32,637

Je ne le regrette pas.



00:12:34,693 --> 00:12:35,703

Je ne dis pas ça.



00:12:35,828 --> 00:12:37,191

Juste que c'était impulsif.



00:12:39,206 --> 00:12:40,164

Ne fais pas ça.



00:12:41,318 --> 00:12:43,243

Pourquoi dois-tu tout analyser

en profondeur ?



00:12:43,368 --> 00:12:45,505

Ça ne pourrait pas être juste bien ?



00:12:48,983 --> 00:12:49,859

Tu as raison.



00:12:50,792 --> 00:12:52,973

C'était un bain assez peu mystérieux.



00:13:02,161 --> 00:13:03,324

Ton bain secret...



00:13:04,379 --> 00:13:06,025

Brûle mes parties féminines.



00:13:08,145 --> 00:13:09,793

Tu crois que mon anus s'en tire mieux ?



00:13:13,145 --> 00:13:14,570

Si ça brûle c'est que ça marche.



00:13:16,288 --> 00:13:17,563

On peut sortir maintenant ?



00:13:17,688 --> 00:13:19,041

J'attendais que tu le dises.



00:13:20,848 --> 00:13:23,294

Puis-je parler au Dr. Jankowski ?



00:13:25,502 --> 00:13:28,351

Non, je n'ai pas à le déranger

alors qu'il est aux Bermudes.



00:13:28,687 --> 00:13:29,684

Tout va bien ?



00:13:29,809 --> 00:13:32,335

Le téléphone du Dr. Cuddy est éteint



00:13:32,460 --> 00:13:34,053

et j'ai besoin d'un neurochirurgien



00:13:34,178 --> 00:13:36,936

pour remplacer le Dr. Richardson

aujourd'hui ou elle aura des problèmes.



00:13:37,061 --> 00:13:38,539

Je suis neurochirurgien.



00:13:40,884 --> 00:13:41,733

C'est faux.



00:13:41,858 --> 00:13:43,920

J'ai coupé dans la tête des gens

plus souvent que...



00:13:44,045 --> 00:13:45,826

Vous avez fait un stage

en neurochirurgie



00:13:45,951 --> 00:13:47,667

à Melbourne mais n'avez pas de diplôme.



00:13:47,719 --> 00:13:49,600

- Vous n'êtes là

que depuis 2 jours comment...



00:13:49,725 --> 00:13:52,095

La première tâche que le Dr. Cuddy

m'a confié a été de connaitre



00:13:52,220 --> 00:13:53,703

tout sur l'équipe du Dr. House



00:13:54,009 --> 00:13:56,330

et de pas croire ce qu'ils

pourraient me dire.



00:13:58,348 --> 00:14:00,608

Je ne suis... pas neurochirurgien ?




00:14:03,855 --> 00:14:04,999

Et "voilà" !



00:14:05,888 --> 00:14:06,847

Première étape,



00:14:07,348 --> 00:14:10,106

j'ai fait des pétales à partir

de maïs tendre



00:14:10,731 --> 00:14:13,423

et ai ajouté des ingrédients exotiques

à une viande spécial petit-déjeuner



00:14:14,319 --> 00:14:15,700

avec une sauce au Chili.



00:14:16,369 --> 00:14:18,134

Et la deuxième étape ?



00:14:18,639 --> 00:14:21,204

Un grain de raisin,

pour nettoyer le palais.



00:14:21,645 --> 00:14:23,810

Ça ne sert à rien puisqu'il n'y a pas

de troisième étape.



00:14:25,939 --> 00:14:27,558

Je suis contente qu'on soit restés ici.



00:14:28,561 --> 00:14:30,364

C'est vraiment pas mal.



00:14:31,971 --> 00:14:33,387

Je sais toujours quand tu mens.



00:14:35,208 --> 00:14:36,238

Vraiment toujours.



00:14:38,522 --> 00:14:40,072

J'ai couché avec ma coloc' à la fac.



00:14:40,784 --> 00:14:42,058

Tu mens.

- Non c'est vrai.



00:14:42,658 --> 00:14:43,960

Tu as un tic.

- Lequel ?



00:14:44,497 --> 00:14:45,833

Déjà, admets que tu as menti.



00:14:46,941 --> 00:14:48,384

Très bien, j'ai menti.



00:14:48,866 --> 00:14:51,073

Mes antécédents sexuels sont

ennuyeux et prévisibles.



00:14:51,198 --> 00:14:52,991

Alors, quel est mon tic ?

- Tu plaisantes ?



00:14:53,116 --> 00:14:54,779

Si je te le dis, tu t'en débarrasseras



00:14:54,904 --> 00:14:56,433

et je ne saurais plus quand tu mens.



00:14:57,286 --> 00:14:59,555

Alors tu dois me dire quelque chose

que j'ignore sur toi.



00:14:59,680 --> 00:15:01,769

Même si techniquement,

tu ne m'as rien dit



00:15:01,894 --> 00:15:05,044

que je ne savais déjà.

- Cesse ta logique et dis-moi.



00:15:08,035 --> 00:15:10,235

J'ai eu une relation intime



00:15:10,745 --> 00:15:11,906

avec une photo de toi.



00:15:13,287 --> 00:15:15,450

Enfin, un photo et une chaussette.



00:15:15,961 --> 00:15:16,735

Je sais.



00:15:17,456 --> 00:15:18,290

Je mentais.



00:15:18,527 --> 00:15:20,962

C'était la photo de moi

en Belle au Bois Dormant à Halloween.



00:15:21,087 --> 00:15:22,574

Pourquoi l'aurais-tu prise sinon ?



00:15:26,240 --> 00:15:27,172

Je dois pisser.



00:15:30,379 --> 00:15:31,567

Tu aurais pu me piéger !



00:15:31,692 --> 00:15:33,256

Parce qu'en fait, je vais faire caca.



00:15:40,876 --> 00:15:41,554

Quoi ?



00:15:41,835 --> 00:15:44,980

L'assistant de Cuddy a décidé

d'utiliser sa tête.



00:15:45,381 --> 00:15:47,138

Qui lui a mis cette idée stupide

en tête ?



00:15:47,263 --> 00:15:49,058

Vous pourriez peut-être

suivre ce conseil.



00:15:49,183 --> 00:15:52,295

Il a prévenu l'administration

qu'aucun neurochirurgien n'est là.



00:15:52,736 --> 00:15:55,393

Disant qu'il devait légalement le faire,

et il devait légalement le faire.



00:15:55,974 --> 00:15:57,710

On dirait que vous contrôlez tout.



00:15:57,835 --> 00:15:58,889

Non pas du tout.



00:15:59,014 --> 00:16:00,253

Vous savez bien que non.



00:16:00,378 --> 00:16:02,738

Quand l'inspecteur viendra,

ils vont fermer les urgences.



00:16:02,863 --> 00:16:04,863

On ne peut rien changer à ça,

c'est comme ça House.



00:16:04,988 --> 00:16:06,393

J'ai foi en votre capacité



00:16:06,518 --> 00:16:07,784

à résoudre ce problème.



00:16:14,277 --> 00:16:15,952

J'ai appelé tous les neurochirurgiens



00:16:16,077 --> 00:16:17,848

dans un rayon de 70km pour rien.



00:16:17,973 --> 00:16:20,225

Je crois que House nous teste.

- Il nous teste toujours.



00:16:20,676 --> 00:16:22,092

Test ou pas, c'est un problème.



00:16:22,217 --> 00:16:23,524

Mais ce n'est pas le notre.



00:16:23,999 --> 00:16:26,327

En quoi c'est celui de House ?

- Où est Cuddy ?



00:16:26,815 --> 00:16:27,930

Si on rapporte ça,



00:16:28,055 --> 00:16:29,649

la moitié de l'hôpital ferme



00:16:29,774 --> 00:16:31,610

et si on ne dit rien, on prend le risque



00:16:31,735 --> 00:16:33,145

que tout l'hôpital ferme.



00:16:33,759 --> 00:16:35,104

Sauf si on ramène Richardson.



00:16:35,369 --> 00:16:36,294

Il est malade.



00:16:36,419 --> 00:16:38,175

On est médecins, on guérit les gens.



00:16:39,377 --> 00:16:40,662

Papier, Cailloux, Ciseaux ?



00:16:48,054 --> 00:16:49,385

C'est bon je peux regarder ?



00:16:49,612 --> 00:16:50,878

Encore une seconde.



00:16:51,899 --> 00:16:53,544

Très bien, donne-moi ta main.



00:17:01,917 --> 00:17:03,965

J'ai toujours voulu ouvrir

une bouteille de champagne



00:17:04,090 --> 00:17:05,237

avec un de ces trucs.



00:17:05,362 --> 00:17:07,310

Tu ferais mieux

de te mettre derrière moi.



00:17:18,284 --> 00:17:19,758

Je crois bien que je...



00:17:19,883 --> 00:17:21,740

Me suis légèrement trompé.



00:17:23,335 --> 00:17:25,015

Une chance que j'en ai toute une caisse.



00:17:28,203 --> 00:17:30,041

House, ouvre.



00:17:30,587 --> 00:17:31,678

Il faut qu'on parle.



00:17:32,549 --> 00:17:33,559

Laisse-le entrer.



00:17:33,684 --> 00:17:34,502




00:17:37,228 --> 00:17:38,557

Si on l'ignore il partira.



00:17:45,354 --> 00:17:46,946

Je crois qu'il est parti.



00:17:49,489 --> 00:17:50,905

Mais au cas ou,



00:17:51,495 --> 00:17:54,002

que peut-on faire sans parler ?



00:18:01,911 --> 00:18:03,486

Tu ne l'as pas laissé en silencieux ?



00:18:04,251 --> 00:18:05,330

Je sais que tu es là



00:18:05,455 --> 00:18:07,003

j'entends ta sonnerie de téléphone.



00:18:07,469 --> 00:18:08,938

Laisse-le donc entrer.

- Non !



00:18:10,309 --> 00:18:11,655

Il est comme un chien errant.



00:18:12,007 --> 00:18:14,593

Il mangera tout, courra partout



00:18:14,931 --> 00:18:16,223

et marquera son territoire.



00:18:19,231 --> 00:18:20,601

Bonjour, c'est Grégory House.



00:18:20,726 --> 00:18:23,058

Je ne peux pas répondre pour le moment,

laissez-moi un message.



00:18:23,516 --> 00:18:26,581

Si c'est Wilson, je vais bien,

je ne suis pas suicidaire



00:18:27,232 --> 00:18:28,043

ni drogué.



00:18:28,168 --> 00:18:30,464

Je gère très bien la mort de mon

dernier patient.



00:18:30,589 --> 00:18:32,502

Continue donc ta journée

sans te soucier de moi.



00:18:36,203 --> 00:18:37,989

Tu ne peux pas ne pas aller bosser,



00:18:38,596 --> 00:18:39,643

que dira Cuddy ?



00:18:40,259 --> 00:18:41,851

Si c'est toujours Wilson...



00:18:42,823 --> 00:18:44,055

Elle m'a donné ma journée



00:18:44,724 --> 00:18:45,698

et demain aussi.



00:18:46,277 --> 00:18:47,464

Bon peut-être pas demain



00:18:47,589 --> 00:18:49,107

mais aujourd'hui si. Je vais bien.



00:18:49,232 --> 00:18:50,218

Maintenant pars.




00:18:57,548 --> 00:18:59,334

Si je ne te vois pas demain,

je reviendrai.



00:19:10,635 --> 00:19:12,630

Vous êtes le seul neurochirurgien

que nous ayons.



00:19:12,755 --> 00:19:15,069

Vous devez revenir à l'hôpital.



00:19:15,324 --> 00:19:17,408

On ne vous demande pas d'opérer,

juste d'être présent.



00:19:17,998 --> 00:19:20,215

À moins que vous ne puissiez

emmener ces toilettes avec moi



00:19:20,340 --> 00:19:21,781

je ne quitterai pas cette pièce.




00:19:22,532 --> 00:19:23,553

Je prends un seau.



00:19:23,856 --> 00:19:25,164

Vous ne comprenez pas.



00:19:25,289 --> 00:19:27,813

J'ai mangé un mauvais sushi,

je suis malade, partez.



00:19:28,173 --> 00:19:30,268

On peut vous donner de la prométhazine

pour la nausée.



00:19:30,393 --> 00:19:31,438

J'en ai déjà pris.



00:19:31,563 --> 00:19:33,068

Et de la trimethobenzamide.



00:19:33,946 --> 00:19:35,968

Ce n'est peut-être pas une

intoxication alimentaire.



00:19:36,093 --> 00:19:37,138

Quoi que ce soit,



00:19:37,263 --> 00:19:39,232

ça a forcément endommagé

la paroi de son estomac.



00:19:39,357 --> 00:19:41,255

Avant que ça ne se remette,

rien ne marchera.



00:19:41,380 --> 00:19:43,063

Donc on doit soigner ça et la nausée.



00:19:43,188 --> 00:19:44,555

Et quel que soit son problème.



00:19:45,655 --> 00:19:47,765

On lui donne de l'ondansetron

et des prostaglandines.



00:19:48,365 --> 00:19:50,668

Quel que soit son problème,

rien ne guérira



00:19:50,793 --> 00:19:52,155

toute autre maladie possible.



00:19:52,411 --> 00:19:53,969

Et alors, ce n'est pas notre patient.



00:19:54,094 --> 00:19:55,198

Mais l'hôpital, si.



00:19:55,323 --> 00:19:56,537

Je peux vous entendre.



00:20:03,038 --> 00:20:04,340

Vous êtes malheureux, non ?



00:20:05,958 --> 00:20:09,420

Seriez-vous prêt à prendre

un médicament dangereux



00:20:09,545 --> 00:20:11,243

s'il permettait de tout faire partir ?



00:20:26,215 --> 00:20:27,860

Pourquoi ne l'as-tu pas laissé entrer ?



00:20:31,382 --> 00:20:32,644

Tu pensais à Wilson



00:20:32,769 --> 00:20:34,303

pendant qu'on s'envoyait en l'air ?



00:20:34,837 --> 00:20:36,054

Trop bien ! Moi aussi !



00:20:37,919 --> 00:20:39,643

Tu m'as cachée à lui.



00:20:41,429 --> 00:20:42,221

Pourquoi ?



00:20:43,435 --> 00:20:44,719

Je ne t'ai pas cachée.



00:20:45,700 --> 00:20:47,099

J'ai respecté ton intimité.



00:20:49,689 --> 00:20:51,985

Je ne savais pas si tu étais prête



00:20:52,592 --> 00:20:53,648

à "nous" assumer.



00:20:56,038 --> 00:20:58,607

Pourquoi ferais-je tout ça

si je voulais que ça reste secret ?



00:21:10,104 --> 00:21:11,406

Je ne l'ai même pas demandé.



00:21:15,002 --> 00:21:16,419

Tu n'es peut-être pas prêt, toi.



00:21:22,852 --> 00:21:25,002

Tu as lu les effets secondaires

de ce médicament ?



00:21:25,127 --> 00:21:26,588

Il peut augmenter sa tension.



00:21:26,713 --> 00:21:28,023

Je n'ai entendu aucun bruit,



00:21:28,148 --> 00:21:29,783

il doit donc vomir silencieusement.



00:21:30,289 --> 00:21:31,669

On pourrait aggraver son cas.



00:21:31,794 --> 00:21:32,823

Vois plus grand.



00:21:33,062 --> 00:21:34,287

On soigne tout l'hôpital.



00:21:34,670 --> 00:21:36,666

On pourra lui faire tous les tests

que tu veux



00:21:36,791 --> 00:21:38,899

quand il sera assez stable

pour retourner à l'hôpital.



00:21:39,024 --> 00:21:40,449

Cesse de faire la fille et joue.



00:21:42,372 --> 00:21:44,849

Tu vas m'interroger sur cet essai

pour Huntington



00:21:44,974 --> 00:21:46,971

enfin, me donner ton avis ?



00:21:47,240 --> 00:21:47,894




00:21:49,038 --> 00:21:50,375

Mais j'ai une autre question.



00:21:52,464 --> 00:21:53,789

Veux-tu coucher avec moi ?



00:21:56,412 --> 00:21:57,107

Quoi ?



00:21:57,232 --> 00:21:59,205

Avec cet essai tu partiras longtemps.



00:21:59,645 --> 00:22:00,947

J'y pensais depuis un moment



00:22:01,289 --> 00:22:02,881

mais maintenant il faut faire vite.



00:22:09,859 --> 00:22:10,975

C'est de la bonne.



00:22:11,100 --> 00:22:12,991

Vous pensez pouvoir retourner

à l'hôpital ?



00:22:14,284 --> 00:22:15,533

Cette lampe est brillante.



00:22:16,704 --> 00:22:18,613

Regardez comme elle brille, c'est...



00:22:20,676 --> 00:22:21,610




00:22:21,953 --> 00:22:24,364

On dira que c'est l'un des

effets secondaires du médicament.



00:22:24,674 --> 00:22:25,894

On s'en fiche, rentrons.



00:22:34,924 --> 00:22:35,805

Que fais-tu ?



00:22:37,058 --> 00:22:39,020

Tu crois que j'ai peur

que ça devienne publique ?



00:22:39,145 --> 00:22:40,598

Je ne vais pas te donner raison.



00:22:40,723 --> 00:22:41,806

Avec un trépied ?



00:22:41,931 --> 00:22:44,676

Avec une sex-tape

qu'on enverra à Wilson.



00:22:44,879 --> 00:22:46,084




00:22:46,209 --> 00:22:47,704

Nous, on va le refaire



00:22:48,071 --> 00:22:50,156

et il pourrait apprendre quelque chose.



00:22:52,307 --> 00:22:53,992

On dirait que quelqu'un essaie d'entrer.



00:22:57,479 --> 00:22:58,913

C'est sans doute rien.



00:23:00,022 --> 00:23:00,857

Reste ici.



00:23:13,215 --> 00:23:14,139

Tu es coincé ?




00:23:15,089 --> 00:23:15,916




00:23:16,566 --> 00:23:17,711

Ça a l'air douloureux.



00:23:19,384 --> 00:23:21,434

Une camomille

ou un vrai petit-déjeuner ?



00:23:23,933 --> 00:23:25,450

Arrête de faire l'idiot



00:23:25,575 --> 00:23:26,677

et tire-moi de là.



00:23:28,202 --> 00:23:29,827

Tu n'as pas saisi le message plus tôt ?



00:23:30,258 --> 00:23:32,914

Si mais quelqu'un m'a dit



00:23:33,039 --> 00:23:34,270

que tout le monde ment.



00:23:34,921 --> 00:23:35,800

Je vais bien.



00:23:36,104 --> 00:23:37,990

Je suis juste chez moi, je me détends.



00:23:38,647 --> 00:23:39,842

Ta patiente est morte,



00:23:39,967 --> 00:23:41,938

tu ignores mes appels

et refuse d'ouvrir la porte.



00:23:42,169 --> 00:23:43,603

Je ne crois pas que tu vas bien.



00:23:43,728 --> 00:23:45,918

Je crois que tu vas gâcher tout

un an sans médicament.



00:23:46,043 --> 00:23:47,790

Ou je t'ignore pour une autre raison.



00:23:49,004 --> 00:23:50,368

Sexe avec ma petite-amie.



00:23:54,453 --> 00:23:55,377




00:23:55,817 --> 00:23:56,882

Laisse-moi entrer !



00:24:13,025 --> 00:24:13,729




00:24:14,987 --> 00:24:18,251

Et depuis quand appelles-tu

les call-girls des "petites-amies" ?



00:24:18,376 --> 00:24:19,738

Ce n'est pas une call-girl.



00:24:23,380 --> 00:24:24,180

Vraiment ?



00:24:25,377 --> 00:24:27,260

Ça commence par un "C"

et finit par "-uddy".



00:24:30,208 --> 00:24:31,649

Combien de Vicodin as-tu pris ?



00:24:31,854 --> 00:24:32,850

Je suis sérieux !



00:24:32,975 --> 00:24:34,848

Cuddy et moi sommes désormais

Cuddy et moi.



00:24:34,973 --> 00:24:36,115

Il y a "moi" en Cuddy.



00:24:36,731 --> 00:24:38,296

House... Ce n'est pas grave.



00:24:38,824 --> 00:24:41,578

Presque tous les drogués

font une rechute.



00:24:41,817 --> 00:24:43,117

Elle est dans ma chambre.



00:24:45,644 --> 00:24:46,876

Tu hallucines House.



00:24:48,345 --> 00:24:50,447

Chérie ! On a de la compagnie.



00:25:06,276 --> 00:25:08,229

Tes pupilles et ton pouls sont normaux.



00:25:09,303 --> 00:25:10,209

Mieux que ça,



00:25:10,961 --> 00:25:12,285

c'est carrément parfait.



00:25:13,330 --> 00:25:14,520

Je suis clean.



00:25:14,982 --> 00:25:17,015

Pourquoi as-tu menti à propos de Cuddy ?



00:25:18,369 --> 00:25:19,592

Pour parvenir à mes fins.



00:25:20,472 --> 00:25:21,910

Comme peut-être te faire taire.



00:25:22,150 --> 00:25:23,399

C'est mon idée directrice.



00:25:25,376 --> 00:25:26,617

Tu as l'air d'aller bien.



00:25:27,796 --> 00:25:29,058

Tu veux que je reste ici ?



00:25:29,183 --> 00:25:30,604

Je peux faire comme d'habitude



00:25:30,729 --> 00:25:32,356

et prétendre aimer les monster trucks



00:25:32,481 --> 00:25:34,481

si ça peut te faire aller mieux.

- Non, vas-y.



00:25:36,897 --> 00:25:38,489

House... Tu aurais pu mourir.



00:25:39,932 --> 00:25:41,780

Une patiente est morte dans tes bras.



00:25:41,905 --> 00:25:43,240

Tu ne devrais pas être seul.



00:25:44,797 --> 00:25:46,627

C'est pour ça que j'ai appelé

une prostituée.



00:25:47,261 --> 00:25:48,250

Maintenant pars.



00:25:49,402 --> 00:25:50,449

Tu serais de trop.



00:25:51,445 --> 00:25:52,605

Tu vas vraiment bien ?



00:25:53,960 --> 00:25:55,192

Tu me dérangeras encore ?



00:25:55,984 --> 00:25:58,096

Tu as vérifié mon pouls et mes pupilles.



00:25:58,967 --> 00:26:00,568

Je te mail mon échantillon d'urine.



00:26:16,260 --> 00:26:17,736

Pourquoi ne vous ai-je jamais vu ?



00:26:18,029 --> 00:26:19,929

Vous êtes les meilleurs...



00:26:20,844 --> 00:26:22,734

Gens. Vous savez que les

lumières fluorescentes



00:26:22,859 --> 00:26:24,936

clignotent à la même fréquence

que le cerveau humain ?



00:26:25,061 --> 00:26:27,195

Vous savez que le cerveau humain

ne peut pas clignoter ?



00:26:27,320 --> 00:26:29,281

Pas besoin d'être neurochirurgien

pour savoir



00:26:29,406 --> 00:26:30,625

qu'il ne peut pas opérer.



00:26:31,221 --> 00:26:32,400

Quel est son problème ?



00:26:32,787 --> 00:26:34,333

Trop de... Sucre dans le sang.



00:26:34,740 --> 00:26:36,360

Il ira mieux quand on l'aura réhydraté.



00:26:36,485 --> 00:26:37,499

Quel soulagement.



00:26:37,624 --> 00:26:38,505

Dieu merci.



00:26:38,881 --> 00:26:40,467

L'inspecteur sera là dans 20 minutes.



00:26:44,335 --> 00:26:45,518

Quel est son problème ?



00:26:45,643 --> 00:26:46,926


Trop de sucre dans le sang.



00:26:47,051 --> 00:26:48,215

Vous venez de le dire.



00:26:48,340 --> 00:26:49,541

Chase fait des cultures.



00:26:49,666 --> 00:26:51,460

On pense soit à une hépatite



00:26:51,585 --> 00:26:52,929

soit à un ulcère à l'estomac.



00:26:55,627 --> 00:26:57,367

C'est vraiment ton dernier jour ?



00:26:58,387 --> 00:26:59,446

Je m'envole demain.



00:27:00,170 --> 00:27:01,398

Pour combien de temps ?



00:27:02,768 --> 00:27:04,827

Ça dépend...

- De l'essai clinique ça a l'air risqué.



00:27:04,952 --> 00:27:07,067

Blablabla... Tu ne penses pas

que je devrais le faire.



00:27:07,192 --> 00:27:08,087

Message reçu.



00:27:08,212 --> 00:27:09,408

Non, tu devrais.



00:27:10,507 --> 00:27:12,548

Vivre à 200 à l'heure

et mourir jeune ça craint.



00:27:12,673 --> 00:27:14,279

Si tu as une chance d'aller mieux...



00:27:15,661 --> 00:27:16,743

Tant mieux pour toi.



00:27:20,045 --> 00:27:22,408

J'ai amené Wilson ici

pour que notre relation soit connue



00:27:22,533 --> 00:27:23,758

comme tu me l'as demandé.



00:27:24,743 --> 00:27:25,943

Je t'ai mis la pression.



00:27:26,214 --> 00:27:28,519

Wilson aussi en passant par la fenêtre.



00:27:30,006 --> 00:27:32,214

Si tu te sens forcé de le faire,

ça ne marchera pas.



00:27:38,213 --> 00:27:39,569

Tu n'as rien à dire ?



00:27:44,839 --> 00:27:46,005

C'est l'heure de jouer.



00:27:47,100 --> 00:27:48,490

Va-t-il mieux ?

- Oui.



00:27:49,396 --> 00:27:50,708

Vous me mentez encore, non ?



00:27:50,833 --> 00:27:52,447


- On est fichus.



00:27:52,572 --> 00:27:53,708

On n'a pas à dire...



00:27:54,456 --> 00:27:55,591

Et merde.



00:27:55,716 --> 00:27:57,545

Le Dr. Richardson se prépare à opérer.



00:27:57,975 --> 00:27:59,801

J'ai besoin de lui parler.



00:27:59,926 --> 00:28:01,948

Il se prépare à opérer.

- C'est vous qui le dites.



00:28:02,555 --> 00:28:04,769

J'ai juste besoin qu'il me le

confirme lui-même



00:28:04,894 --> 00:28:06,758

et qu'il est bien diplômé

en neurochirurgie.



00:28:06,883 --> 00:28:08,373

Voilà ses papiers.



00:28:08,498 --> 00:28:10,521

Son appartenance à l'hôpital est ici.



00:28:10,646 --> 00:28:11,866

Vous le voyez, c'est lui.



00:28:12,106 --> 00:28:13,436

Je dois toujours lui parler.



00:28:13,561 --> 00:28:15,801

Il s'est déjà stérilisé,

il devrait tout recommencer.



00:28:15,926 --> 00:28:18,000

L'anesthésie du patient nécessiterait

d'être ajustée.



00:28:19,684 --> 00:28:21,617

Pourquoi avez-vous signalé

qu'il n'était pas là ?



00:28:23,593 --> 00:28:25,801

J'ai sans doute... mal compris.



00:28:35,702 --> 00:28:37,171

Pourquoi, pourquoi...



00:28:37,611 --> 00:28:39,300

Pourquoi fait-il si chaud ici ?



00:28:48,834 --> 00:28:50,030

Woodstock en force !



00:28:50,292 --> 00:28:51,262

Il est drogué ?



00:28:51,623 --> 00:28:53,768

Non nous pensons qu'il a...



00:28:54,058 --> 00:28:56,583

Je suis certain que vous avez

une explication mais je m'en fiche.



00:28:57,270 --> 00:28:59,932

Vous avez besoin qu'un médecin

soit toujours là



00:29:00,057 --> 00:29:01,525

pour faire de la neurochirurgie.



00:29:02,150 --> 00:29:03,813

Dirigez toutes les ambulances ailleurs



00:29:04,750 --> 00:29:06,238

et appelez les autres hôpitaux



00:29:06,363 --> 00:29:08,720

qui peuvent prendre en charge

vos patients en soins intensifs.



00:29:08,845 --> 00:29:10,517

Ces services sont désormais fermés.



00:29:13,426 --> 00:29:15,291

"Design" pour 5 points.

- Je l'ai.



00:29:16,039 --> 00:29:18,458


- Deux mots en un.



00:29:19,084 --> 00:29:19,850




00:29:22,480 --> 00:29:23,667

Tu n'as pas vu l'amour ?



00:29:23,894 --> 00:29:25,372

Je ne pensais pas que tu prendrais



00:29:25,497 --> 00:29:27,659

le fait que je sois nul aux jeux

aussi personnellement.



00:29:30,413 --> 00:29:32,228

Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas dit

que tu m'aimais ?



00:29:32,353 --> 00:29:34,213

Une femme, sage,

n'a-t-elle pas dit un jour



00:29:34,647 --> 00:29:36,315

et par "un jour" je veux dire il y a 2h,



00:29:36,543 --> 00:29:38,418

"pourquoi dois-tu tout analyser

en profondeur ?



00:29:38,673 --> 00:29:40,275

Ça ne pourrait pas être juste bien ?"



00:29:40,485 --> 00:29:41,805

Je t'ai dit que je t'aimais.



00:29:42,030 --> 00:29:43,842

Mais tu ne m'as pas répondu

que tu m'aimais.



00:29:43,967 --> 00:29:46,346

Tu ne penses pas que ça pourrait

me faire réfléchir ?



00:29:46,471 --> 00:29:48,948

Non parce que les mots importent peu.

Seules les actions comptent.



00:29:50,723 --> 00:29:52,166

Tu ne vas pas céder sur ça hein ?



00:29:52,764 --> 00:29:54,198

Tu ne peux pas dire...

- Non.



00:29:55,272 --> 00:29:56,086

Pourquoi ?



00:29:56,541 --> 00:29:57,474

Parce que...



00:29:57,700 --> 00:29:59,793

J'ai oublié de prendre le "m".



00:30:01,081 --> 00:30:03,367




00:30:06,048 --> 00:30:06,752




00:30:07,781 --> 00:30:08,978

Ça te fait un point.



00:30:10,852 --> 00:30:11,494




00:30:28,938 --> 00:30:30,677

Les résultats sont négatifs pour tout.



00:30:31,064 --> 00:30:32,678

Je suppose que l'un d'eux est faux.



00:30:32,803 --> 00:30:34,805

On s'en fiche, les urgences

et les soins intensifs



00:30:34,930 --> 00:30:36,919

sont à moitié vides et

les médecins sont inoccupés.



00:30:37,044 --> 00:30:37,966

C'est terminé.



00:30:38,091 --> 00:30:39,784

Tu sais qu'on a toujours un patient.



00:30:40,892 --> 00:30:43,382

C'est le type assis derrière toi

qui enlève à nouveau ses vêtements.



00:30:47,212 --> 00:30:49,520

Pourquoi ne restez-vous pas assis

à attendre que ça se passe ?



00:30:49,890 --> 00:30:52,230

Vous devriez redevenir normal désormais.

- Et pourtant... Non.



00:30:54,890 --> 00:30:56,973

Et si son comportement

n'était pas un effet secondaire



00:30:57,098 --> 00:30:58,242

de l'ondansetron ?



00:30:58,903 --> 00:31:00,802

Et si c'était un symptome ?

- Merci.



00:31:00,927 --> 00:31:02,736

Qu'est-ce qui cause le délire

et la nausée ?



00:31:02,861 --> 00:31:04,688

Il est resté à l'hôpital quelques jours.




00:31:04,813 --> 00:31:07,247

Personne d'autre n'est malade

donc ce n'est pas environnemental.



00:31:07,372 --> 00:31:08,877

Pas vraiment, je suis parti.



00:31:11,560 --> 00:31:12,784

La liberté est mon droit.



00:31:12,909 --> 00:31:14,035

Où êtes-vous allé ?



00:31:14,419 --> 00:31:16,995

Au festival des crustacés.

- C'est fichu.



00:31:17,120 --> 00:31:19,281

Le festival des crustacés a des

crustacés du monde entier



00:31:19,406 --> 00:31:21,111

et des associations impossible

à trouver.



00:31:21,236 --> 00:31:22,369

On y est pour l'année.



00:31:23,196 --> 00:31:24,559

Vous avez pris des crevettes ?



00:31:24,684 --> 00:31:26,085

Du crabe ? Du homard ?



00:31:26,543 --> 00:31:27,212




00:31:27,724 --> 00:31:29,376

J'ai gouté à tout ce qui paraissait bon.



00:31:31,319 --> 00:31:32,929

Avez-vous gouté des oeufs de poisson ?



00:31:33,246 --> 00:31:35,136

Ils sont tout petits.

- Oh oui.



00:31:35,314 --> 00:31:38,475

Les oeufs de crapaud donnent la nausée

et défoncent comme une drogue.



00:31:38,841 --> 00:31:40,986

Si j'ai raison

l'antidote agira rapidement.



00:31:41,111 --> 00:31:43,407

Si on arrive à lui faire garder

ses vêtements assez longtemps



00:31:43,532 --> 00:31:45,475

il pourrait redevenir un

neurochirurgien normal.



00:31:52,461 --> 00:31:55,495

En France.

Pas Paris ni la Côte d'Azur,



00:31:55,620 --> 00:31:57,192

mais il y a cet endroit en Normandie.



00:31:57,317 --> 00:31:59,045

C'est sur... Une petite île.



00:31:59,415 --> 00:32:01,463

Tous ceux qui n'habitent pas

dans ces petites îles



00:32:01,588 --> 00:32:03,456

doivent partir

avant qu'il y ait marée haute.



00:32:03,760 --> 00:32:07,177

Ce qui laisse cette grande forteresse

de 900 ans rien qu'à nous.



00:32:08,917 --> 00:32:10,210

Ça s'appelle...



00:32:11,213 --> 00:32:12,357

Le Mont Saint-Michel ?



00:32:13,826 --> 00:32:15,271

C'est ça. Tu y es allé ?



00:32:15,396 --> 00:32:17,730

Non mais je crois savoir

à quoi ça ressemble.



00:32:19,314 --> 00:32:20,792

Comment as-tu su ?



00:32:21,402 --> 00:32:23,152

Tu en avais fait ton fond d'écran.



00:32:23,277 --> 00:32:24,686

C'était il y a des années.



00:32:25,113 --> 00:32:26,931

Ça doit être un endroit

qui ne s'oublie pas.



00:32:27,056 --> 00:32:29,367

Hélas on ne peut pas aller

directement jusqu'en Normandie



00:32:29,492 --> 00:32:31,914

mais Londres n'est qu'à 2h de là-bas.



00:32:32,468 --> 00:32:33,515

De quoi parles-tu ?



00:32:33,640 --> 00:32:34,521

Tout est là.



00:32:34,821 --> 00:32:36,336

Tu n'as qu'à cliquer pour confirmer



00:32:36,461 --> 00:32:37,784

et on mangera des croissants



00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:40,383

tout en étant insultés par

des gens malodorants dès demain.



00:32:42,071 --> 00:32:44,032

Ne t'en fais pas, j'ai utilisé

la carte de Wilson.



00:32:44,868 --> 00:32:45,874

Je ne peux pas.



00:32:46,177 --> 00:32:47,067

Je rigole.



00:32:48,387 --> 00:32:49,631

J'ai utilisé la tienne.



00:32:50,533 --> 00:32:53,168

L'hôpital n'a pas besoin de ton corps.



00:32:53,960 --> 00:32:55,557

Moi si.

- Ma fille aussi.



00:32:55,682 --> 00:32:56,828

Elle peut venir aussi.



00:32:56,953 --> 00:32:58,771

Ou aller chez sa grand-mère.



00:33:00,804 --> 00:33:01,718

C'est insensé.



00:33:05,299 --> 00:33:08,706

Donc... Tu casses ton engagement



00:33:08,937 --> 00:33:10,363

sans ajuster ton planning.



00:33:14,528 --> 00:33:15,566

Je ne peux pas.



00:33:17,220 --> 00:33:18,707

Pas demain.



00:33:21,212 --> 00:33:22,760

Mais dans 2 semaines, oui.



00:33:23,256 --> 00:33:25,289

Si Rachel doit aller chez ma mère,



00:33:25,414 --> 00:33:27,027

ça ne se fera pas en quelques heures.



00:33:37,721 --> 00:33:40,173

Et si ça ne marchait pas ?

Que je restais comme ça tout le temps ?



00:33:40,298 --> 00:33:42,720

L'antidote est rapide. Si on a raison,

vous redeviendrez vous-même



00:33:42,845 --> 00:33:43,817

en peu de temps.



00:33:43,942 --> 00:33:45,101

Mais j'étais ennuyeux.



00:33:45,201 --> 00:33:46,633

Je ne peux pas rester comme ça ?



00:33:46,888 --> 00:33:48,770

Restez allongé et arrêtez

de vous déboutonner.



00:33:52,281 --> 00:33:53,808

Je suis désolé d'avoir lu ton mot



00:33:54,120 --> 00:33:55,642

et d'avoir regardé dans ton casier.



00:33:56,126 --> 00:33:57,855

On s'habitue à ce genre de choses ici.



00:33:59,006 --> 00:34:00,609

Quelqu'un t'accompagne à Rome ?



00:34:00,855 --> 00:34:02,295

C'est ta façon passive-agressive



00:34:02,420 --> 00:34:03,984

de me demander si je vois quelqu'un ?



00:34:04,109 --> 00:34:05,098

J'espère que oui.



00:34:05,223 --> 00:34:07,322

Enfin, que quelqu'un t'accompagne.



00:34:08,861 --> 00:34:10,034

Si moi ça me fait peur,



00:34:10,159 --> 00:34:11,891

je n'imagine pas

ce que tu peux ressentir.



00:34:12,604 --> 00:34:13,941

Tu ne devrais pas être seule.



00:34:14,609 --> 00:34:15,507

Si tu veux...



00:34:16,605 --> 00:34:18,347

Je peux t'accompagner

pour quelques jours.



00:34:18,655 --> 00:34:19,508

En ami.



00:34:21,699 --> 00:34:22,742

J'en serais ravie,



00:34:23,182 --> 00:34:24,414

mais je pense que ça ira.



00:34:25,346 --> 00:34:27,095

On dirait qu'on a fait

beaucoup de détours



00:34:27,220 --> 00:34:28,531

avant de devenir amis, non ?



00:34:32,765 --> 00:34:33,777

On l'a tous fait.



00:34:40,726 --> 00:34:41,430




00:34:42,943 --> 00:34:43,735

Pour tout.



00:34:44,839 --> 00:34:45,741

Je t'en prie.



00:34:46,667 --> 00:34:47,468

Pour tout.



00:34:49,658 --> 00:34:50,723

On se voit demain.



00:34:58,185 --> 00:34:59,645

Je dois vraiment rentrer.



00:35:03,399 --> 00:35:04,129

Je sais.



00:35:07,892 --> 00:35:09,124

Quel est le problème ?



00:35:12,669 --> 00:35:13,924

Ça ne marchera pas.



00:35:22,808 --> 00:35:23,661

C'est tout ?



00:35:24,664 --> 00:35:26,828

Tu ne peux pas dire ça puis te taire.



00:35:27,708 --> 00:35:29,245

J'ai énoncé un fait.



00:35:29,370 --> 00:35:30,939

Pas une proposition discutable.



00:35:34,344 --> 00:35:35,927

C'est vrai, tu peux prévoir l'avenir.



00:35:36,507 --> 00:35:38,214

Non mais je me souviens du passé.



00:35:38,599 --> 00:35:39,698

Tu vas te souvenir



00:35:39,823 --> 00:35:41,715

de toutes les horribles choses

que j'ai faites,



00:35:43,188 --> 00:35:44,727

mais tu essayeras de te convaincre



00:35:44,852 --> 00:35:45,818

que j'ai changé.



00:35:46,425 --> 00:35:48,168

Mais moi je referais

ces horribles choses



00:35:48,293 --> 00:35:49,646

parce que je n'ai pas changé.



00:35:51,344 --> 00:35:52,840

Puis tu te rendras compte...



00:35:57,027 --> 00:35:59,358

Que je suis ingérable

pour quelqu'un qui a un enfant.



00:36:01,244 --> 00:36:02,308

Et à partir de là,



00:36:02,433 --> 00:36:04,420

il n'y a qu'un pas jusqu'à

l'inévitable conclusion



00:36:05,229 --> 00:36:06,241

que tout cela



00:36:08,832 --> 00:36:09,826

était une erreur.



00:36:13,981 --> 00:36:15,489

Dis-moi que je n'ai pas raison.



00:36:24,813 --> 00:36:27,231

Mercy n'a pas assez de chambres

dans son unité de soins intensifs



00:36:27,356 --> 00:36:29,432

pour gérer nos patients donc...

Ne vous en faites pas.



00:36:29,810 --> 00:36:32,572

Vous voulez parler au Dr. Richardson

notre neurochirurgien, non ?



00:36:32,825 --> 00:36:35,434

Je suis désolé qu'on se soit rencontrés

dans de si mauvaises conditions.



00:36:35,720 --> 00:36:37,958

J'espère que vous pourrez rétablir

notre Unité d'Urgences



00:36:38,083 --> 00:36:40,498

et ainsi ré-ouvrir les urgences

et notre unité de soins intensifs.



00:36:40,623 --> 00:36:42,256

C'était une intoxication involontaire.



00:36:42,381 --> 00:36:44,186

Le Dr. Richardson a été soigné



00:36:44,311 --> 00:36:45,910

et il est prêt à reprendre le travail.



00:36:48,638 --> 00:36:50,315

Touchez votre nez avec votre index



00:36:50,440 --> 00:36:52,593

et dites-moi comment traiter

un traumatisme crânien.



00:36:52,936 --> 00:36:55,452

Je rechercherais un oedème



00:36:55,577 --> 00:36:57,248

et une hernie transtentorielle.



00:36:59,894 --> 00:37:00,679

Ça me va.



00:37:01,176 --> 00:37:02,408

Vous pouvez tout rouvrir.



00:37:04,044 --> 00:37:05,117

Vous avez eu chaud.



00:37:05,570 --> 00:37:07,471

La prochaine fois,

évitez les responsabilités.



00:37:08,835 --> 00:37:09,855

Un peu de gâteau ?



00:37:10,251 --> 00:37:11,870

Taub pensait faire un pot de départ



00:37:11,995 --> 00:37:13,646

pour te dire au revoir comme il se doit.



00:37:13,874 --> 00:37:15,574

Ce genre de choses lui tiennent à coeur.



00:37:15,699 --> 00:37:17,130

Je n'aurais jamais dû l'allumer.



00:37:17,702 --> 00:37:19,233

En parlant de ça...



00:37:19,581 --> 00:37:21,666

Plus tôt aujourd'hui,

je t'ai demandé quelque chose...



00:37:22,852 --> 00:37:24,004

Qu'on couche ensemble.



00:37:24,129 --> 00:37:25,526

Ton regard a quasiment révélé



00:37:25,651 --> 00:37:27,162

que tu ne le voulais surtout pas.



00:37:28,239 --> 00:37:31,042

Mais d'un autre côté, je m'en voudrais



00:37:31,428 --> 00:37:32,950

de ne pas en avoir eu confirmation.



00:37:34,877 --> 00:37:36,212

Encore ce regard.



00:37:36,337 --> 00:37:38,453

Donc si ça ne voulait pas dire "non"

la première fois



00:37:38,578 --> 00:37:39,544


- Non.



00:37:42,967 --> 00:37:43,925

C'est pas grave.



00:37:44,050 --> 00:37:45,216

Ça a déjà marché ça ?



00:37:47,744 --> 00:37:48,791

Au moins une fois.



00:37:59,229 --> 00:38:00,584

Je reçois des signaux confus.



00:38:01,055 --> 00:38:02,405

On se voit au pot de départ.



00:38:06,727 --> 00:38:08,871

La seule fois où tu as peur,

c'est quand tu es heureux.



00:38:10,807 --> 00:38:12,760

Parce que tu t'attends à ce que

ça ne dure pas.



00:38:13,651 --> 00:38:14,874

Parce que ça ne dure pas.



00:38:16,291 --> 00:38:17,434

Tu n'en sais rien.



00:38:20,514 --> 00:38:22,211

Je t'ai fait subir d'horribles choses.



00:38:23,408 --> 00:38:25,652

Et je t'en referai subir encore.



00:38:27,605 --> 00:38:29,114

Mais grâce à un moment stupide




00:38:29,239 --> 00:38:31,721

avec une mourante

et une tonne de débris,



00:38:32,896 --> 00:38:34,260

tu penses que je peux changer.



00:38:37,625 --> 00:38:38,933

Dis-moi là où j'ai tort.



00:38:43,182 --> 00:38:44,599

Je ne veux pas que tu changes.



00:38:47,106 --> 00:38:48,461

Je sais que tu es endommagé.



00:38:49,525 --> 00:38:51,628

Je sais aussi que tu le seras toujours.



00:38:52,529 --> 00:38:54,795

Mais tu es l'homme le plus incroyable

que j'ai jamais connu.



00:38:59,987 --> 00:39:01,649

Et tu seras toujours...



00:39:03,444 --> 00:39:05,890

L'homme le plus incroyable

que j'ai jamais connu.



00:39:08,018 --> 00:39:09,681

Alors à moins que tu ne rompes avec moi,



00:39:11,525 --> 00:39:12,769

je vais rentrer chez moi.



00:39:26,055 --> 00:39:26,899

Je t'aime.



00:39:44,731 --> 00:39:45,611

Où est 13 ?



00:39:45,875 --> 00:39:47,300

Je ne pense pas qu'elle viendra.



00:39:48,215 --> 00:39:49,473

Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ?



00:39:51,347 --> 00:39:52,563

Elle ne va pas à Rome.



00:39:52,688 --> 00:39:53,902

Elle a changé d'avis ?



00:39:54,027 --> 00:39:56,743

J'ai appelé l'hôpital à Rome pour savoir

quand son opération était prévue.



00:39:56,868 --> 00:39:58,570

Pourquoi voudrais-tu...

- On s'en fiche.



00:39:58,695 --> 00:40:00,324

Elle ne fait même pas l'essai clinique.



00:40:02,643 --> 00:40:03,808

Personne ne la connait.



00:40:05,781 --> 00:40:07,338

Elle nous a menti toute la journée.



00:40:08,661 --> 00:40:09,599

As-tu essayé...



00:40:09,724 --> 00:40:11,675

Toutes ses lignes de téléphone

sont réattribuées.



00:40:13,120 --> 00:40:14,269

Elle est juste partie.



00:40:23,846 --> 00:40:24,876

Ça va être génial.


[Open on moments from “Help Me.” In the ambulance, House checks on Hanna.)

House : Damn it. I waited too long.

Charlie : Please, come on, do something! Come on, do something! Do something!

[Cut to the ambulance bay.]

Foreman : You couldn't have saved her.

[Cut to House’s bathroom. He stares at himself in the mirror then rips it off the wall and smashes it into the tub. He picks up the two bottles of Vicodin that were hidden behind the mirror.]

Cuddy : [voice over] It's your choice if you wanna go back on drugs.

[House sits on the bathroom floor, staring at the pills. He looks up as Cuddy enters.]

House : You think I can fix myself?

Cuddy : I just need to know if you and I can work.

[He drops the pills. They stand together and clasp hands. Fade out.]

[Fade in on the bedroom. They are still holding hands. Cuddy strokes the area between House’s left thumb and forefinger with her right thumb. She reaches up and takes his jacket off.]

Cuddy : [softly] Let me see. [She peels the bandage off the wound on his neck.] It's okay. [He pulls his head away. She inhales sharply.] It's gonna get infected.

[She puts the bandage back in place and leaves the room. House continues standing exactly where she left him, as if he’s suffering from shock. He looks at his left hand and flexes it as Cuddy returns with a bucket and a towel.]

[Cuddy lifts the hem of House’s t-shirt and he raises his arms so she can undress him. She removes the bandage and wrings out a towel. She dabs the towel against his wound then wipes his chest and his left cheek with it. She puts down the towel and reaches for his waistband. House, who has been more completely passive than we’ve ever seen him, finally says something.]

House : Hey, you're not gonna... [He closes his eyes, embarrassed.] You are. [She slides off his jeans, kneeling in the process. His scar is at her eye level. She strokes it. He is upset.] No. Don't, don't.

Cuddy : It's okay. I love you.

[She leans forward and kisses his scar. He turns his head away. She takes hold of his hands and he helps her up. They kiss, gently. House takes off her shirt. They continue to embrace and stroke each other. House picks her up and puts her on the bed, which, fortunately, is only inches away. He leans over her and they continue to kiss. He slides his hand down her thigh.]

[Cut to Cuddy straddling House. His hands stroke her back.]

[Cut to House on top with Cuddy’s arms around him as they kiss.]

[Cut to morning. House lies on his back. His arm is wrapped around Cuddy, who is still asleep. She wakes up and rolls over to look at him.]

House : So now what?

[Opening credits]

Cuddy : [curling back onto her side] Everything's good. We don't have to talk through it all.

House : No, I meant it literally. Now what? We could make breakfast. We could go bowling. [He lifts the sheet, checks and drops it back in place.] We could stay here.

[Cuddy rolls toward House, pulling the sheet up in the process. His arm is still around her and he lightly strokes her arm as they talk.]

Cuddy : I have to go home and get dressed and go to work.

House : So that's it?

Cuddy : I'm hoping this is the beginning of it.

House : [very quietly] Yeah. [A cell phone rings. Cuddy reaches over and picks it up. They both look at the caller ID.] Your assistant's new. It's a 50/50 chance he just... can't find the light switch. [He takes the phone from her and answers it.] Hello?

Alex : Dr. Cuddy?

House : No, this is Dr. Cuddy's nanny. She's, uh, feeling a little under the weather now, so she won't be coming in today.

Alex : Oh. I hope she's all right. Would you mind asking her if—

House : No. Can't do that. I'm afraid she's locked in the bathroom. Terrible bug going around. What's the problem?

Alex : Well, I'm sorry to disturb her, but it's Dr. Richardson. He must have the same stomach flu. He threw up in the O.R., and I'm not sure how she'd want me to—

House : Hold on a second. [He pulls the phone away from his ear and holds it on his chest for a literal second before resuming the conversation] I've talked to Dr. Cuddy, and she would like you to do three things : One — send him home, two — sterilize the O.R., three — use your own brain. See ya. [to Cuddy] It's about puke. That's what's so important. Puke.

Cuddy : Well, I guess I don't have to rush back in. But whatever "now what" we do decide on... It comes after you take a bath.

[Cut to Diagnostics conference room]

Taub : Here's one. 25-year-old man with numbness and tingling in his legs and a speech disorder, three— "

Foreman : Anybody see House?

Taub : It's 10 :00 A.M. I'd be worried if he was here. This 25-year-old—

Foreman : He was in pretty bad shape yesterday after his patient died.

Chase : House has lost patients before. We all have. He's a big boy.

Foreman : You didn't see him.

Thirteen : Best thing we can do for him now is find him a new puzzle to solve.

Taub : Thus bringing us back to my 25-year-old—

Chase : Yet you're the only person here without a potential case in front of you.

Thirteen : I haven't found the right one yet.

Chase : Oh. I–I thought maybe it was because you were asking for a leave of absence and wouldn't have time to see a case through.

Taub : I didn't say anything.

Chase : He didn't...I saw an envelope on House's desk with your name on it, so naturally, I... steamed it open.

Foreman : What's wrong with you? You steam an envelope to keep it secret.

Foreman : Which is why I just ripped it. You gonna tell us where you're going?

Thirteen : [smiles, exhales sharply] Sure sounds like a no.

[Cut to House’s bathroom. House and Cuddy are on their knees next to the tub. They’re putting pieces of the broken into a trashcan. He’s wearing a belted robe of striped pajama material. Cuddy is in a dark t-shirt.]

Cuddy : There's glass everywhere. Couldn't you have just put the mirror down nice and gentle?

House : I was in a mood.

[Cuddy sees the two bottles of Vicodin. The phone rings in the other room. She grabs the pills and jumps up.]

Cuddy : I'll be right back.

House : Don't get that.

Cuddy : It could be important.

House : This is important. [She looks exasperated.] Right now, we are more important than what's going on at the hospital. So...I say we turn off our phones and... give the morning to us.

[He looks at her hopefully. She chews her lip for a second.]

Cuddy : Okay. I'll go turn it off.

House : Thank you. [She leaves. When she comes back, she sits on the edge of the tub. Her hands are empty.] You're distracted.

Cuddy : I'm not.

House : Yeah, you are. You turned off your phone but you're still wondering, "What could it have been? What emergency will bring down the entire hospital if I decide to take the morning off?"

Cuddy : I'm sorry. The clinic is facing reduced funding from the state. Nurse Jeffrey is filing his 12th H.R. complaint. Richardson is threatening to quit because he's basically been a prisoner at the hospital for almost a week.

House : Richardson?

Cuddy : The neurosurgeon. He's the only one I have right now, which means he has to stay on the premises at all times, or else the hospital technically isn't a level one trauma center.

House : Which means?

Cuddy : I'd have to shut down the E.R., transfer all of the patients out of the ICU...

House : [gets up] Okay, stop. Turn around.

Cuddy : Why?

House : Because you need to relax.

[He rubs her shoulders and moves her toward the door to the living room.]

Cuddy : Where are we going?

[He nudges her out of the room and starts to close the bathroom door on her.]

House : I am going to make you a magical bath. It will have bubbles and eastern spices and blue diamonds and green clovers... transformative powers. But… I must have solitude to focus my creative energies.

[He closes the door as she smiles at him. He turns on the tub and leans into the bedroom. He picks up his cell phone.]

[Intercut between House and Chase. Chase is sitting at the conference table. His cell phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it.]

Chase : Hello?

House : Interesting factoid. Did you know that if we don't have a neurosurgeon on the premises, all the puppies in the world will choke to death on all the babies?

Chase : Yeah. You got a note from Thirteen.

House : So how come we don't have, like, five neurosurgeons?

[House pulls a bottle of Old Spice aftershave off a shelf and empties it into the tub.]

Chase : Well, we had three, but Kapur retired, and then Nichols just took off for his daughter's wedding.

House : I've got good news. For the next 16 hours, you are the new neurosurgeon.

[He adds the contents of a green glass bottle.]

Chase : [scoffing] I'm not a neurosurgeon.

[A large bottle of Cool Mint Listerine becomes part of the transformative bath.]

House : Which would matter if you actually had to do some neurosurgery.

Chase : House, it's a hospital. The odds of having to do neurosurgery are higher than in most places.

[House shakes a carton of Epsom Salts into the tub.]

House : If an EMT calls in with a brain or spinal trauma, just divert them to the nearest hospital. All you gotta do is stand around and keep the E.R. open. It's an administrative problem, not a medical one.

Chase : House, where the hell are you?

House : Great. Glad you're on it. [hangs up and calls to Cuddy] All systems go!

[Cut to doctors’ lounge. Thirteen is playing pool by herself. Foreman enters.]

Foreman : Why are you going to Rome? I found the flight information in your locker.

Thirteen : I love how everyone thinks it's so quaint and childlike of me to expect a modicum of privacy around here.

Foreman : Your flight's tomorrow. What's so urgent in Rome?

Thirteen : I hear they want to tear down the Coliseum to build a karaoke bar.

Foreman : The Buona Speranza Medical Center in Rome is doing a Huntington's trial.

Thirteen : Seriously, I live to sing.

Foreman : I know that they've been doing fetal neural transplantation. I also know that their subjects have increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage. This isn't the time to join a trial. This research is in its infancy. So's your condition.

Thirteen : [stops playing and faces him down] You read my note. You go through my locker. And then you decide you want to round it off by lecturing me on my life choices?

Foreman : I'm worried about you.

Thirteen : Oh. Well, that makes it all right then.

[She tosses the cue on the table and leaves.]

[Cut to the bathroom. House and Cuddy are in the bath. His arms are wrapped around her and their fingers are interlaced.]

House : So what, exactly, is this? It can still be open and casual and fun if you want.

Cuddy : Open? [She looks up at him.] You think I want to see other people?

House : Well, last night was emotional for you. [He kisses the top of her head.] We both lost that patient. We watched people die. I came back here and I went for the Vicodin, and you... dumped your fiancé and you came here.

Cuddy : Which I don't regret.

House : I'm not saying you do. I'm just saying it was an impulsive move.

Cuddy : Don't do this. Why do you have to analyze things to death? Why can't you just... let it be nice?

House : [deep breath] You're right. [He squeezes his eyes shut.] That was very anti-secret bath.

[They lie there, comfortably, for a few moments.]

Cuddy : House.

House : Yeah.

Cuddy : The secret bath is... burning my lady parts.

House : How do you think my [whispers] anus feels? Burning means it's working.

Cuddy : Can we get out now?

House : I was so waiting for you to say that.

[They start to stand up.]

[Cut to Cuddy’s outer office. Alex is on the phone with a headset on. Chase and Foreman enter.]

Alex : Could I speak to Dr. Jankowski? No. I don't need to disturb him in Bermuda.

Foreman : Everything okay?

Alex : Dr. Cuddy's phone keeps going directly to voicemail, and I need to get a neurosurgeon to replace Dr. Richardson for the day or else she's screwed.

Chase : I'm a neurosurgeon.

Alex : [takes out earpiece and stares levelly at Chase] No. You're not.

Chase : I've cut into people's heads more often—

Alex : You did a residency in neurosurgery at the University of Melbourne, but you were never board-certified.

Foreman : You've worked here two days. How—

Alex : Dr. Cuddy's first assignment was for me to get to know everything about Dr. House's team... and not to believe anything any of them told me.

Chase : I'm... not a neurosurgeon?

[He sounds really puzzled as if it’s news to him. Alex shakes his head.]

[Cut to a small tray holding an upside down stainless mixing bowl, which House removes to reveal a small bowl of cereal and milk and a small plate with what might be bacon.]

House : And...voila! For the first course, I flaked some tender young ears of corn on the side of assorted exotic breakfast meats in a chili sauce reduction.

[Cuddy is curled up on the couch wearing a plain, dark t-shirt that’s hanging off her. House is dressed in jeans and a dark t-shirt. They’re both barefoot and dry.]

Cuddy : And the... second course?

House : [sitting] A single grape. To cleanse the palate. Which is kind of a waste, 'cause there is no third course.

Cuddy : I'm glad we stayed in. This is actually... pretty good.

House : I can always tell when you lie. I mean always.

Cuddy : I slept with my freshman roommate.

House : A lie.

Cuddy : A truth.

House : You have a tell.

Cuddy : What is it?

House : First admit that you were lying.

Cuddy : Fine. I was lying. My sexual history is boring and predictable. What is my tell?

House : Are you kidding? If I tell you your tell, you'll get rid of it, then I won't be able to tell.

Cuddy : Well, then you have to tell me something I don't already know about you.

House : Even though, technically, you didn't tell me something that I didn't already know about you.

Cuddy : Quit being so damn logical and just tell me.

[He takes a deep breath and thinks for a second.]

House : I used to have an intimate relationship with a photograph of you. Well, actually, a sock and a photograph.

Cuddy : I know.

House : I was lying.

Cuddy : The photo you took of me as Sleeping Beauty on Halloween. Why else would you take that picture?

House : I have to pee. [He gets up, holding his leg, and starts for the bathroom.] Ha! You can tell. 'Cause actually, I have to poo.

[Intercut between the bathroom and a hall at PPTH. House takes his phone, which must be on vibrate, out of his pocket.]

House : [whispers] What?

Chase : Cuddy's assistant decided to use his own brain. Who put that idiot idea into his head?

House : Perhaps you could follow the same advice.

Chase : He notified DPH that there's no neurosurgeon on the premises. Said he legally had to, which he legally had to.

House : Sounds like you got the situation under control.

Chase : No. I don't. You know I don't. When DPH shows up, they're gonna shut down our E.R. This can't be fixed. It is what it is, House.

House : Great. I've got every faith in your ability to solve the problem.

[He hangs up and heads for the door then turns back, flushes and leaves.]

[Cut to Diagnostics conference room.]

Thirteen : I have called every neurosurgeon within a 45-mile radius — nothing.

Chase : Maybe House is just testing us.

Taub : He's always testing us.

Foreman : Test or not, it's a problem.

Chase : It's not our problem. Why the hell is it House's problem?

Foreman : Where the hell is Cuddy? We either report this, and half the hospital gets shut down, or we cover it up and run the risk that the entire hospital gets shut down.

Thirteen : Or we get Richardson.

Foreman : He's sick.

Thirteen : And we're doctors. We get people better. [She leaves.]

Taub : Fing Fong Fooey?

[The guys get together and pump their fists a couple of times. Then they each stick out a number of fingers.]

Chase : Tchuh.

[Apparently he lost. He follows Thirteen.]

[Cut to House’s living room. Cuddy is wearing the robe House was wearing earlier. She has her hands over her eyes.]

Cuddy : Can I open them yet?

House : Just a second. [A few heavy steps are heard.] Okay. Hold out your hand.

[She puts out her right hand and keeps her eyes closed. Something made of steel and yellow metal is placed in her hand. There’s a whoosh as House pulls the sword out of the scabbard she’s holding. He’s wearing the pajama bottoms and a blue, button down shirt. He has a white towel draped over his shoulder.]

Cuddy : Oh...

House : [produces a bottle of champagne from behind his back] I always wanted to open a bottle of champagne with one of these things. You might wanna stand behind me for this.

[She puts down the scabbard and gets directly behind him, peering over his shoulder.]

House : Okay... [He slices the sword up the bottle and shatters it.] Yeah! [He and Cuddy are both laughing.] Mm, I think I might have... got that slightly wrong. Well, good thing I got a case.

[There is pounding on the front door.]

Wilson : [from the hallway] House, open up. We need to talk.

[House looks down, upset.]

Cuddy : [quietly] Just let him in.

House : No.

Wilson : [pounding again] House!

House : If we just ignore him, he'll go away.

Wilson : [more pounding] House!

[Cut to House and Cuddy on the couch.]

House : [whispering] I think he finally left. But just in case he hasn't, what can we do that does not involve talking? [She smiles and they lean in for a kiss. There’s a clanging noise. House’s phone, which is in the ice bucket, rings. He grabs it.] You turned on my ringer!

Wilson : [voice] I know you're in there. I can hear your cell phone ringing.

Cuddy : Just let him in.

House : No! He's like a stray... he'll eat everything, shed all over the place, and crap on the floor. [answering the phone] Hi. This is Gregory House. I can't take your call at the moment. Please leave a message. If this is Wilson, I'm fine, not suicidal, not on drugs, coping very well with the loss of my last patient. So feel free to go about your day without worry. Beep!

Wilson : House. You can't just not show up to work. What's Cuddy gonna say?

House : If this is still Wilson... she gave me the day off. And tomorrow. [Cuddy gives him a look.] Okay, maybe not tomorrow. But today. I'm fine. Now, go away. [pause] Beep!

Wilson : If you're not in tomorrow, I'll be back.

[House closes the phone and drops it. He looks at Cuddy and leans toward her. He puts his hand on her hip. Her hand is on the back of his neck. They kiss.]

[Cut to Richardson’s bathroom. He’s on the floor, wrapped around the toilet, looking like someone dug him up for the occasion. Thirteen and Chase stand in the doorway.]

Thirteen : Look, you're the only neurosurgeon we've got. You have to suck it up and go back to the hospital.

Chase : We're not asking you to operate, just to be there.

Richardson : Unless you can transport this t–toilet with me, I'm not leaving the room.

Chase : I'll get a bucket.

Richardson : You're missing the point. I ate bad sushi. I'm sick. Go away.

Chase : We can give you promethazine for the nausea.

Richardson : Already took it. And trimethobenzamide.

Thirteen : [quietly, to Chase] Maybe this isn't food poisoning.

Chase : Whatever it is, it must have damaged the lining of his stomach. Till that heals, nothing's gonna work.

Thirteen : So we need to treat both that and the nausea.

Chase : And whatever's wrong with him.

Thirteen : We give him ondansetron and prostaglandins.

Chase : And whatever's wrong with him. Neither of those will treat any possible underlying condition.

Thirteen : Who cares? He's not our patient. The hospital is.

Richardson : I can... hear you.

Thirteen : [crouching next to Richardson] You're pretty miserable, aren't you? Would you be willing to take a... fairly risky drug if it would make it all go away?

[Cut to House’s bedroom. Cuddy, naked and sweaty, flops onto the bed with House right behind her. He lands partially on top of her. They’re both breathing heavily.]

Cuddy : Why didn't you let him in?

House : You were thinking about Wilson while we were having sex? That's so cool! So was I.

Cuddy : You were hiding me from him. Why?

House : I was not hiding you. I was protecting your privacy. Wasn't sure if you were ready to go public with the whole... "us" thing yet.

Cuddy : Why would I be doing all this if I wanted it to be private? [She sigh as she reaches down and picks up his blue, button down shirt. He strokes her back.]
Oh. I never even asked. [rolling over with the shirt over her chest] Maybe you're not ready yet.

[Cut to Richardson’s bedroom. Chase and Thirteen are playing chess.]

Chase : Have you read the list of side effects on those drugs? We could crash his BP.

Thirteen : I haven't heard a thump, so I assume he's still quietly puking.

Chase : We could be making him worse.

Thirteen : Bigger picture — we're making the hospital better. We can test for whatever you want to test him for once he's stable enough to get back to the hospital. Now, stop being a girl and move. [pause] So you gonna ask me about this Huntington's trial, and by ask, I mean give me your opinion?

Chase : No. There is one thing, though. Will you have sex with me?

Thirteen : What?

Chase : Well, this trial means you're leaving right away. I was playing a long game. Deadlines have been moved up.

[The bathroom door opens. Richardson is standing, in pants and a t-shirt.]

Richardson : Wow. That stuff is good.

Thirteen : Think you can make it back to the hospital?

Richardson : Uh-huh. That lamp is shiny. I mean, the way it shines is... shiny.

Chase : I take it this is one of the side effects of the drugs.

Thirteen : Who cares? Let's go.

[Cut to the bedroom. Cuddy is sitting on the far side of the bed, putting on the blue, dress shirt. House enters with a tripod. He’s wearing the robe.]

Cuddy : What are you doing?

House : You think I'm afraid to go public? I'm gonna prove you wrong.

Cuddy With a tripod?

House : With a sex tape. We'll send it to Wilson. It's a win-win. We get to do it again, and... he might actually learn something.

[There’s a sound from the other room.]

Cuddy : [whispers] It sounds like someone's trying to break in.

[House sets the tripod aside and picks up the sword.]

House It's probably nothing. Stay here.

[Cut to the kitchen. Wilson is halfway through the window, which has closed on his back. His top half is on a trolley. He is reaching behind himself, trying to push the window up. He stops when a sword comes to rest against his jawline.]

Wilson : Hey.

House : Stuck? Bummer. Looks painful. [He lowers the sword then uses it to scoop the tea kettle from the stove.] Chamomile or English breakfast?

Wilson : Would you stop being an ass and pull me out of here?

House : [fills the kettle] You didn't get my message earlier?

Wilson : Yeah. But as someone once told me, everybody lies.

House : [puts the kettle on the stove] I'm fine. Just staying home, chill-laxin'.

Wilson : Your patient died, you ignore my calls, and you won't open the door. I don't think you're fine. I think you might be throwing away a drug-free year.

House : Or... I'm ignoring you for a different reason. [confidentially] Sex with my girlfriend.

Wilson : Hmm. [pushes at the window again] Will you please just — please let me in? [House slides the window up then wheels the trolley – and Wilson – into the kitchen. After a moment, Wilson lowers his feet from the window sill and stands.] Thank you. And since when did you start referring to hookers as girlfriends?

House : She's not a hooker.

Wilson : [looking around] What are — wha — really?

House : Begins with "C", ends with “uddy.”

Wilson : [huge sigh] How many Vicodin have you taken?

House : I'm serious. Cuddy and I are now Cuddy and I. There's an "I" in Cuddy.

Wilson : House... it's okay. Almost all addicts relapse a few times.

House : [gesturing for Wilson to follow him] She's in my bedroom.

Wilson : You're hallucinating, House.

House : [calling as they walk down the hall] Honey buns! We got company.

[Cut to the bedroom. The tripod is there. Cuddy isn’t. House sighs and looks at Wilson who is in his lecture posture with his hands on his hips.]

[Cut to the kitchen. House sits on the butcher block island, dangling his bare legs and feet. Wilson checks his eyes with a pen light.]

Wilson : Pupils are normal. Pulse is normal.

House : Better than that. They're both totally awesome. I'm not on drugs.

Wilson : So... why did you lie about Cuddy?

House : To make a point. Probably something to do with shutting you up. It's my go-to idea.

Wilson : You do seem okay. You want me to stick around? I could do my usual thing of pretending I like watching monster truck rallies, if that would make you feel better.

House : No. You go.

Wilson : House... you could have died. You had a patient who did die in your arms. You shouldn't be alone.

House : I know. That's why I called a hooker. [hops down and escorts Wilson to the living room] Now, go away. 'Cause... you'll be extra.

Wilson : Are you really okay?

House : Are you gonna break in again? You checked my pulse. You checked my pupils. I'll mail you the urine sample.

[Wilson leaves. Sound of the front door closing.]

[Cut to Cuddy sitting in the dark. Sound of a door opening. House steps back to inspect Cuddy who is hiding in his wardrobe. She looks embarrassed.]

[Cut to an exam room. Richardson lies on the table. Alex watches as Thirteen and Taub check him over.]

Richardson : How come I've never even m–met you guys? Y–you're like the greatest... guys. [looks at the overhead light fixture] You know fluorescent lights flicker at the same frequency as the human brain?

Taub : You know the human brain doesn't flicker?

Alex : Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that he can't perform brain surgery. What's wrong with him?

Taub : High... blood sugar. [Thirteen nods.] He'll be fine as soon as we rehydrate him.

Richardson : That's a relief.

Alex : [checks his watch] Thank God. DPH guy will be here in 20 minutes.

[Taub watches him leave and turns back to Thirteen.]

Taub : What is wrong with him?

Richardson : High blood sugar. You just said so.

Thirteen : Chase is running labs. Right now the top two contenders are hepatitis and peptic ulcer disease.

Taub : So... is today really your last day?

Thirteen : Flying out tomorrow.

Taub : How long a leave are you taking?

Thirteen : Depends.

Taub : On the drug trial. Sounds risky.

Thirteen : Yadda, yadda. You don't think I should do it. Message heard.

Taub : No. I approve. Living fast and dying young is crap. If you have a chance to get better... I say good for you.

[She smiles.]

[Cut to House’s bedroom. House is sitting at the desk. Cuddy is standing, facing him. At some point she donned the pajama pants to go with House’s dress shirt. He’s upset.]

House : I brought Wilson in here specifically to go public, just like you requested.

Cuddy : I pressured you. Wilson coming through the window pressured you. If you're forced into this, it's not gonna work. [long pause] Do you have any response to that?

[House moves some things on his desktop and picks up a nice, wood Boggle board.]

House : Game on.

[Cut to Chase and Alex walking down the hall. Malkin, the DPH guy is a few feet behind them.]

Alex : Is he better?

Chase : Yep.

Alex : You're lying to me again, aren't you?

Chase : Yep.

Alex : Then we're screwed. Don't we have to tell—

[They reach a double door with windows and stop.]

Chase : Oh! Damn. [turns to Malkin] Dr. Richardson's prepping for surgery.

Malkin : Yeah. I need to talk to him.

Chase : He's prepping for surgery.

Malkin : So you said. I just need to confirm he is who you say he is and that he's a licensed neurosurgeon.

Chase : Well, here's his paperwork. [Malkin puts on his glasses to inspect the papers on the clipboard Chase hands him.] His hospital I.D.'s right there. You can... see it's him.

Malkin : Yeah. I should still talk to him.

Chase : They've already scrubbed. He'd have to be re-sterilized. The patient's anesthesia would have to be adjusted.

Malkin : [takes off his glasses. to Alex] Why did you report he wasn't here?

Alex : I must have... misunderstood.

[Malkin hands Chase the clipboard and turns to leave. Inside the OR, Taub runs toward the door. The door burst open. Richardson comes out, followed by Taub and Foreman.]

Richardson : Oh... why... why... why is it so... so hot in there? Oh! [He pulls off his mask, followed by the shirt of his scrubs. Malkin stares.] Ahh. [Richardson turns, untying his pants as he leaves.] La-dee-dah. Woodstock, baby.

[Richardson waddles away wearing a surgical mask around his neck, baggy white underpants and his scrub pants around his ankles. He turns back once to flash a peace sign, stumbling slightly.]

Malkin : Is he stoned?

Chase : No. We're pretty sure he's got—

Malkin : Oh, I'm sure you have an explanation, but I don't care. See, you need to have a doctor on the premises who can actually do neurosurgery. Tell the attending to divert all ambulances away and start calling other hospitals and see who can take your stabilized ICU patients. Those departments are shutting down.

[Cut to House’s living room. He’s on the couch, Cuddy sits on the floor, facing him. The coffee table is between them. They’re checking off words from a game of Boggle.]

Cuddy : "Design" for five points.

House : Got it.

Cuddy : "Hear."

House : Got it. Both versions.

Cuddy : "Love." [pause. He looks up.] You didn't see love.

House : Wow. I didn't think you'd take my lack of board game skills so personally.

Cuddy : Why didn't you tell me you loved me?

House : Didn't a wise woman once say — and by once, I mean two hours ago — "why do you have to analyze everything to death? Why can't this just be nice?"

Cuddy : [puts down her pad] I told you I loved you. You didn't tell me you loved me back. You don't think that should give me cause for concern?

House : No. 'Cause words don't matter. Actions matter.

Cuddy : You're really gonna take a stand here. You can't say—

House : Nope.

Cuddy : Why?

House : Because... I forgot to grab a "v."

[He lays a strip of Boggle cubes on the table. It says ILOBEYOU.]

Cuddy : Lobe. Gets you one point. One.

[Cut to an ICU at the hospital. Malkin observes as patients are being moved.]

[Cut to Diagnostics conference room. It’s night and the blinds to the hallway are drawn. Richardson sits against the wall. There’s a lamp on next to him. Taub and Thirteen are at the table. Foreman, unseen, is at his usual place at the far end. Chase enters.]

Chase : Labs show he's negative for everything.

Taub : I'm guessing at least one of them is wrong.

Thirteen : Who cares? The E.R. and the ICU are half-empty and the place is crawling with suits. It's over.

Chase : You do know we still have a sick patient here. Right? He's the guy sitting right behind you, taking off his clothes again.

Taub : [running over to Richardson] Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Uh, why don't you just sit down and take it easy?

Chase : He should be coming down by now.

Richardson : And yet... I'm not.

[He’s happy. Taub eases him back into his chair.]

Foreman : What if his behavior isn't a side effect of the ondansetron? What if it's a symptom?

Chase : Thank you. What causes delirium and nausea?

Taub : He's been stuck here in the hospital a few days. Nobody else is sick, so it can't be environmental.

Richardson : [undoing his shirt cuffs] Not exactly stuck. I snuck out. [They all stare at him.] Freedom is my birthright.

Foreman : Where did you go?

Richardson : The Seafood Festival at the Convention Center.

Thirteen : We're screwed. Seafood Festival has stuff from all around the world in combinations nobody ever thought of. We could be here all year.

Chase : [leaning in close] You had shrimp?

Richardson : Uh-huh.

Chase : And crab? Lobster?

Richardson : Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Chase : And...

Richardson : I ate whatever looked good.

Thirteen : [has an idea] Did you eat any roe? Little tiny eggs?

Richardson : Nummy!

Thirteen : Toad eggs will cause nausea, and they can get you high. If I'm right, the antidote is fast-acting. [Richardson is smiling and unbuttoning his shirt.] If we can get him to keep his clothes on long enough, he can pass as a functioning neurosurgeon.

[Cut to Houses bed. House is wearing a 17” Macbook Pro. Cuddy, lying on her stomach, is wearing less, but she does have a sheet pulled up to her waist.

Cuddy : Um... France. And not Paris or the Rivera, but there's this place in Normandy. It's on a... a tidal island. Everyone who's not staying in one of the small inns has to leave before the tide comes in. You have this 900-year-old fortress all to yourself. It's called...

House : Mont Saint-Michel?

Cuddy : That's it. Have you been there?

House : Nope. But I got a pretty good idea what it looks like. [He turns the computer toward her, taps a button and the screen is filled with a picture of Mont Saint-Michel.]

Cuddy : H–how did you know?

House : You used to have a picture of it as a screensaver.

Cuddy : That was years ago.

House : I guess it's a memorable place. [turns the computer toward himself again] Now, unfortunately, we can't fly straight to Normandy, but the layover in London's only a couple of hours.

Cuddy : What are you talking about?

House : It's all there. [shows her a screen of travel information] All you gotta do is click confirm, and we're eating croissant and being insulted by stinky people this time tomorrow. Don't worry. I used Wilson's credit card.

Cuddy : I can't.

House : I'm kidding. I used your credit card.

Cuddy : House...

House : The hospital does not need your body. I do.

Cuddy : So does my daughter.

House : Well, she can come too. Or to grandmother's house she can go.

Cuddy : This is crazy.

House : [His face starts to get the closed, guarded look it usually has.] So...you break off your engagement, but you won't adjust your schedule.

Cuddy : I can't. Not... tomorrow. But... two weekends from now. If Rachel's gonna stay with my mom, I'm gonna need a little bit of prep time.

House : [His face softens and he smiles slightly.] Okay.

[Cut to patient room. Foreman closes a curtain. Richardson is on the bed. Thirteen is adding something to his IV.]

Richardson : What if it doesn't work? What if I stay this way forever?

Thirteen : The antidote works quickly. If we're right, you should be back to your old self in no time.

Richardson : My old self was boring. Can't we keep the new self?

Thirteen : Just lay down, and stop unbuttoning.

Foreman : I'm sorry that I read your note and looked in your locker.

Thirteen : You get used to that kind of thing around here.

Foreman : Do you have anyone going with you to Rome?

Thirteen : Is that your passive-aggressive way of asking me if I'm seeing somebody else?

Foreman : I hope you are. I mean... I hope you have someone with you. If I'm scared about this, I can't imagine how you must feel. You shouldn't be alone. If you want... I could fly over for a few days. Friends.

Thirteen : I appreciate that, but I think I'll be okay. I guess we took the long way around to being friends, huh?

[They reach across the bed and clasp hands.]

Richardson : I guess we all did.

[He puts his hand on theirs.]

[Cut to House’s living room. House is in khakis and a t-shirt. Cuddy is back in her pink scrubs. She stands on her toes to kiss him gently.]

Cuddy : Thank you. For everything.

House : You're welcome. For everything.

Cuddy : I'll see you tomorrow. [She goes to the door. He hasn’t moved. His head hangs a bit.] I really do have to leave.

House : [nods, quietly] I know.

Cuddy : What's the problem?

House : This isn't gonna work.

[She stares at him.]

Cuddy : That's it? You can't just... say that and shut up.

House : It's just a statement of fact. It's not a debatable proposition.

Cuddy : Right. Because you can see the future.

House : No. But I can see the past. And you're gonna remember all the horrible things I've done, and you're gonna try to convince yourself that I've changed. And I'm gonna start doing those horrible things again, because I haven't changed. Then you'll realize that... I'm an insane choice for someone who has a kid. And from there, it's a short step to the inevitable conclusion that all of this... was a mistake. Tell me any of that isn't true.

[Cuddy thinks, and swallows hard.]

[Cut to the ICU. Alex approaches Malkin.]

Alex : Mercy doesn't have enough room in their ICU to handle the overflow, so—

Chase : Don't worry about it. [He, Richardson and Thirteen stride up. Richardson is wearing a suit and tie.] I believe you wanted to talk to Dr. Richardson, our neurosurgeon?

Richardson : I'm sorry that we met under such trying circumstances. I hope you restore our rating as a level one Trauma Center and reopen the E.R. and the ICU immediately.

Thirteen : An accidental case of poisoning. Dr. Richardson has been treated and is ready to resume work.

Malkin : Hmm. Touch your nose with your index finger and tell me how you treat a cerebral contusion.

Richardson : [doing it with each hand in turn] Uh, I–I–I would watch for edema and transtentorial herniation.

Malkin : Good enough. Turn it around.

[He heads in one direction, the team, Alex and Richardson in the other.]

Chase : [to Alex] You're gonna be up late. Next time... [whispers] Avoid responsibility. [to Thirteen] Cake? Taub thought we should have a little party to see you off properly. He gets sentimental about these things.

Thirteen : I never should have flashed him.

Chase : Speaking of which... Earlier today I asked you about... having sex. You gave me a look that almost certainly could only mean no. However, on the other hand, I'd be remiss if I... didn't follow up and confirm. See? It's the same look. So if it didn't mean no the first time, then...

Thirteen : No. No. No, no. No.

Chase : [smiling] Okay. No pressure.

Thirteen : Does that method ever work?

Chase : At least once. [She smiles and hugs him tightly.] Mm, I'm, um... Getting mixed signals.

Thirteen : See you at the cake.

[She hurries off.]

[Cut to House’s living room. He and Cuddy are sitting on the couch. She looks frustrated, he looks miserable.]

Cuddy : The only time you're afraid is when you're happy. You just don't expect it to last.

House : 'Cause it doesn't.

Cuddy : You don't know that.

House : I've done horrible things to you. And I'll do horrible things again to you. But because of one stupid moment with a dying girl and a pile of rubble... you think I can change. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Cuddy : I don't want you to change. I know you're screwed up. I know you are always gonna be screwed up. But you're the most incredible man I've ever known. [near tears] You are always gonna be... the most incredible man I have ever known. So unless you're breaking up with me, I am going home now.

[She takes his hand, leans in and kisses him then gets up to leave. He holds onto her hand and looks up at her.]

House : [quietly, sincerely] I love you.

[Good Days by Joe Purdy starts playing in the background. Cuddy smiles down at House.]

♪♫ Oh, yeah, and later on we took a southbound train

[Cut to the conference room. Foreman sits, alone, with a cake that’s inscribed “Happy Bar Mitzvah Ephraim.”]

♪♫ Yeah, and it was cold out
♪♫ Yeah, it was freezing down rain
♪♫ Yeah, and it'll let up if we all screamed for the change

[Chase and Taub enter.]

Taub : [looking around] Where's Thirteen?

Foreman : I don't think she's coming.

Chase : What's going on?

Foreman : She's not going to Rome.

Taub : You mean she changed her mind?

Foreman : I called the hospital in Rome to see when she was schedule for surgery.

Chase : Why would you—

Foreman : Doesn't matter. Point is, she's not even in the trial. Never heard of her. She's been lying to us all day.

Chase : Well, have you tried—

Foreman : Both her phone lines have been disconnected. She's just gone.

♪♫ No, no, just the good days
♪♫ Yeah, yeah, just the good days

[Cut to House and Cuddy in the doorway to his apartment. They kiss. She lays her hands on his arms.]

Cuddy : [smiling] It's gonna be great.

House : [almost inaudible] Yeah.

[He smiles as he closes the door.]

♪♫ Just the good days.

[On opposite sides of the closed door, they each continue to smile for a moment. Then the smiles fade, replaced by contemplative, very worried looks.]

Kikavu ?

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Hello, nouveaux calendrier et sondage chez Star Trek ! Pas besoin de connaître pour admirer le travail de choup et voter au sondage ! :=)

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