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Episode 13 - Gros bébé

Cory Chisel and the Wandering Sons - On My Side
Scène :

Paroles :
How can it be we are loosing ourselves
And why can I not sleep underneath my own hell as the daylight comes down
Oh dieng away
All I can say when the band begins to play
Theres no angel on my side
And I need you on my side

Can you hear them calling me
In the rusy dawn in a thopusand years goes by
And you never ask why

Take what you conceal and breath out through your bones
But speak to my ear in the softestof tones that can set me down
Oh we are dieing away
All I can say when the band begins to play
Theres no angel on my side
And I need you on my side

Can you hear them calling me
In the rusty dawn of a thousand years goes by
All I can say when the band begins to play
Theres no angel on my side
And I need you on my side...


Ecrit par chrismaz66 

Cory Chisel and the Wandering Sons - On My Side
Cory Chisel and the Wandering Sons - On My Side
Ajoutée le 16.02.2018 par Sonmi451 

Cory Chisel and the Wandering Sons

Cory Chisel and the Wandering Sons
On My Side

On My Side

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Supersympa, 10.12.2024 à 22:27

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